Predicting the Future: How A Psychic Sees Your Path
When it comes to predicting the future, many people believe in Fate.
As a professional psychic, I’m here to tell you, Fate is a lie.
My clients are immensely relieved when I assure them that the Future isn’t written in stone. In fact, at this exact moment in time, you have a MINIMUM of three Futures stretching before you.
Predicting the Future: The “Spider Web” Concept
Ancient Mystics used to believe that everyone has a minimum of 3 futures! Picture a spider web: every time you make a decision, you create a link to a new possibility.
To illustrate this idea, picture a spider web, with its myriad strands. Now picture that same web, intersecting the “spider webs” that represent your Lover, Children, Business Clients, etc. Now you can glimpse the sheer magnitude of possibilities when someone is predicting the future for you.
The future is best understood as a combination of MANY people’s Free Wills, colliding with Time — plus a touch of Divine Intervention to make Life interesting.
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
People often ask how I can predict, BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT, a single Future out of all these possibilities.
The truth?
No one is capable of predicting the future beyond the shadow of a doubt. (Any reputable psychic will admit this!)
For instance, if you freak out on your wedding day and suddenly decide to ditch Mr. Right at the altar, guess what? My prediction that you’ll marry your Lover is going to be wrong. (This example illustrates how Free Will can impact a psychic’s accuracy.)
However, I do have a fairly good track record when it comes to predicting the future – as many of my clients will attest.
How Does a Psychic “See” the Future?
Every psychic has her own methods of Divination. For me, the act of Divination is a sacred process (as the root word, “Divine,” implies.) When I am in “The Zone,” I am stretching my mind beyond the realms of waking consciousness. I use my body like a radio antenna to pick up vibrations that range from the Human subconscious, to the Universal Mind, and everything in between.
To be effective at predicting the future, a psychic must learn how to tune into (and interpret) different levels of consciousness. For instance, I tap Nature Spirits (for clients who want to plan vacations for sunny weather,) Animal Mind (for clients who want to find lost pets,) and the Akashic Records (for clients who want to understand past lives or their Higher Purpose for being born into this life.)
Do You Have a Specialty When Predicting the Future?
Many psychics specialize in a particular area of Divination. I prefer to explore Self Determination – in other words, the will to create a better life.
I’m not really interested in reading the mind of your new Lover, to find out why he has been ignoring your texts. Can I do this? Sure. But seriously, why lose sleep over some bonehead, who doesn’t treat you with the respect that you deserve?
If you can accept that your future is unlimited, then you can understand why pinning all your hopes and dreams on one Jerk-of-a-Lover is a colossal waste of your time and potential.
When you allow for new possibilities, you allow miracles to occur. Your future is unlimited because you have the power and freedom to make a new choice.
The problem is, most people are afraid to make a choice, or rather, to try something — or someone — new.
I Can Look at ALL Your Possibilities!
If you could see the Light of your Spirit, you would know that you are Brilliant, Beautiful, and Wise. You are fundamentally capable of having everything you desire — as long as you understand that your best outcomes occur when you intend the Highest Good for everyone concerned.
As I’m predicting the future, my purpose is to help you enhance your life, grow your confidence, and ultimately, choose the best path. I want to guide you toward your happiness. I have the ability to rise above what seems to be “imminent,” to look at ALL your possibilities, and then point you toward the brightest course of action.
This approach to Divination makes me rare among psychics. I don’t just “tell” your Future; I help you create it.
Ultimately, your Path must be determined by you, in collaboration with the God Source. When in doubt, listen to your Inner Wisdom. I always encourage my clients to reject any advice (including my own) that doesn’t ring true. Beware those advisors who position themselves as the ultimate authority on YOUR future!
May you always walk with those who see your Light, know your Light, and rejoice in the Light that you are.
Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic
Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your SpiritsAdrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator invited her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals invited her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner.