Healing and Reiki:

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“Adrienne’s (healing) hands are amazing. I’d been suffering from chronic fatigue, and until she gave me a (Tibetan) Reiki treatment, I could barely leave the house. Two days later, I visited my doctor. `You look great,’ he said. `What have you been doing?'”

“I’ve been going regularly to Light Touch healing sessions at my church, but I have never met anyone who can channel the amount of energy that Adrienne can. You can `feel’  her presence when she walks into the room. She helped me get over a painful divorce, and she helped me overcome flu-like symptoms so I wouldn’t be sick when I married my soulmate. I asked her to sing at my wedding.”

“I’m licensed as a rebirther, hypnotherapist, Avatar master, and Reiki master, to name a few. But my Tibetan Reiki attunement with Adrienne was, quite simply, the most powerful healing experience of my life.” 

“The removal of the energy blockage in my spine during the Tibetan Reiki II class, and the subsequent increased energy flow (through my body), has been an important healing for me. Thank you for a wonderfully transforming course!  You are empowering us to walk a deeply spiritual path.”

“The three Tibetan Reiki classes were an incredible experience — like coming home. I felt the Reiki attunements through Adrienne like I have never felt them before. One of the things I enjoyed most about the class was the gift of Adrienne’s singing voice. During the attunements, she sounded like a heavenly choir.”

What is Tibetan Reiki? How is it different?

Jinlap, or Tibetan Reiki, is a more powerful form of the more widely known Japanese system of natural healing, called Usui Reiki.

Reiki means Universal Life Energy. It was taught in sacred mystery schools and monasteries of Tibet. “Jinlap” is the phonetic translation of a Sanskrit blessing, which means “to be transformed through inspiring magnificence.”

Jinlap (aka, Tibetan Reiki) is a more aggressive form of the Reiki ray. Most of my clients experience healing and Reiki as a cascading rush of beneficent energy. They’ve compared the power of the Tibetan Ray to Niagara Falls.

Why choose Reiki Healing?

Reiki Healing is an alternative, holistic therapy that is gaining wider acceptance among Western doctors.

Patients who are tired of expensive medical care, health insurance, and prescription drugs are looking for natural alternatives. They want to take charge of their health and prevent illness. Therefore, they turn to time-honored traditions, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and Reiki Healing.

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This holds true even for patients with advanced diagnoses of pancreatitis, brain tumor, emphysema, multiple endocrine disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, congestive heart failure, and cancer.

The majority of these patients, when treated regularly through Reiki Healing, reported an improvement — or the complete disappearance — of their symptoms.

What can Reiki Healing do?

Both Tibetan and Usui Reiki can help restore body balance, by improving overall health. 

Reiki Healing has been used successfully to:

    • Alleviate stress
    • Reduce pain
    • Relax the body
    • Restore mental clarity
    • Strengthen the immune system

As Universal Life Energy, Tibetan Reiki is available to anyone, anywhere, at any time. 

About Healing and Reiki: Is there scientific proof?

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For instance:

    • At St. Vincent’s Medical Center in New York, researchers conducted a lengthy experiment, designed to rule out the placebo affect. “Laying on of hands” was proven to reduce the blood pressure of 30 heart patients by 17 percent after only five minutes of a Reiki Healing treatment.
    • A California-based institute, called Healing Sciences International, created an experiment to determine the rate of healing after a Reiki treatment. The patients thought they were participating in a study about electrical conductivity, so they had no pre-conceived notions about Reiki Healing. During the experiments, researchers found — in the majority of cases  — that a significant, open-wound healed nearly 30 percent faster through regular Reiki Healing treatments.
    • At the University of Colorado, a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) discovered that magnetic fields, several hundred times stronger than background noise, are created around the hands of trained Reiki practitioners.   

Clearly, the results produced by Reiki are not “coincidences.” Nor do the results stem from the imaginations of the volunteer patient. (“Reiki Research,” Reiki News, Summer 1995, the Center for Reiki Traiing, Southfield, MI)

Can I use Tibetan Reiki to heal myself?

Yes. Like Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki is one of the few healing disciplines that can be used for self-healing.

Practitioners have found that repeated use of the mantras and symbols is personally beneficial. Tibetan Reiki Healing can increase your personal vitality, creativity, and general sense of well‑being.

Once you are attuned to the Tibetan Reiki Ray, it is available to you throughout your life, whether you call upon it frequently or hardly at all.  

As with any other discipline, however, the more you practice healing and Reiki, the better you become at channeling the beneficent energy of the Tibetan Ray.

How does someone access the Tibetan Reiki Ray?

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A Tibetan Reiki attunement can only be conducted by a Master Teacher of the Tibetan Reiki tradition.

Once you are attuned to the Tibetan Reiki Ray, it will flow through your chakras and body for life.

When you administer healing and Reiki to another, the Tibetan Ray will exude from your third eye, throat, and hands toward your client.

How is Tibetan Reiki administered?

A non‑intrusive therapy, Tibetan Reiki Healing can be administered through:

    • Touch (“laying-on hands”)
    • The body’s biomagnetic energy (aura)
    • Absentee methods (in other words, the Tibetan Reiki practitioner “sends” healing energy across the miles.)

Unlike Usui Reiki (which is administered in silence,) Tibetan Reiki requires the practitioner to chant mantras. The practitioner must also envision symbols of healing moving into, or around, the client’s body.

However, if the sound of chanting disturbs the client, the practitioner can whisper the mantras — a technique that is equally effective.

What can I expect during a Tibetan Reiki treatment?

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By agreeing to a treatment of healing and Reiki, you open yourself to the Universal Life Energy and its flow of wellness through the Tibetan Ray. 

A particular creedal belief is not necessary. All that is required is your willingness to relax and absorb the energy. 

Because Universal Life Energy can travel through clothing, bandages, and plaster casts, you do not have to disrobe.

During a Tibetan Reiki Healing session, your practitioner does not diagnose illness or prescribe medical treatment. Instead, s/he he helps you reconnect with your own natural healing energy so that your body can heal itself.

A Tibetan Reiki Healing session involves mantra chanting. If you are uncomfortable with the vocalizations of your practitioner, s/he can quietly “breathe” the mantras into the room.

First Degree Tibetan Reiki: Class Description

In the class for First Degree Tibetan Reiki, students are taught the use of seven elemental symbols, plus their colors and mantras. The purpose is to enhance personal growth and the connection to earth and spirit. 

Finger chakras are attuned to the Tibetan Ray, as well as the palm, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras. 

Prerequisites for this class:

    • You must be attuned to Usui Reiki I for 6 months.
    • You must be attuned to Usui Reiki II for 3 months.
    • Since every individual’s vibration has a different, optimum speed, I provide custom, one-on-one classes and attunements. In this way, I create an optimal learning and healing environment, which allows you to absorb the Ray at your own pace, without stress.
    • If you are ready to begin your Tibetan Reiki Journey, I am ready to schedule your personal training.

Second Degree Tibetan Reiki: Class Description

This training is called the “Master Healer” level. Students are taught how to incorporate breath in healing work.

Additionally, students are initiated into the use of fifteen sacred symbols and their mantras. These include two power symbols, plus symbols for:

    • Psychic surgery
    • The eradication of negative energy
    • Astral travel
    • Absentee healing
    • Past and future healing
    • A blessing

Prerequisites for this class:

    • You must be attuned to Usui Reiki II for 3 months.
    • You must be attuned to Tibetan Reiki I for 1 month.
    • Since every individual’s vibration has a different, optimum speed, I provide custom, one-on-one classes and attunements. In this way, I create an optimal learning and healing environment, which allows you to absorb the Ray at your own pace, without stress.
    • If you are ready to begin your Tibetan Reiki Journey, I am ready to schedule your personal training.

Third Degree Tibetan Reiki: Class Description

This training is also called the Tibetan Master level. Students are initiated into the full Tibetan Reiki ray, enabling them to expand their knowledge and their connection with God-wisdom.

Students are taught the process for attuning other individuals to the Tibetan Reiki ray. These attunements are lengthier and more complicated than those in the Usui system.

In addition, students are taught the Nuclear Mantra, which accompanies the most sacred Tibetan Symbol. This Master symbol represents the highest force of enlightenment (ie, Buddha or God.)

To become a certified Master Teacher of Tibetan Reiki, you must demonstrate mastery of the system’s 22 symbols. You must also demonstrate your thorough understanding of the attunement process for each of the 3 Tibetan Levels.

Prerequisites for this class:

    • You must be attuned as a Usui Reiki Master (Level III) for 3 months.
    • You must be attuned to Tibetan Reiki I for 2 months.
    • You must be attuned to Tibetan Reiki II for 1 month.
    • Since every individual’s vibration has a different, optimum speed, I provide custom, one-on-one classes and attunements. In this way, I create an optimal learning and healing environment, which allows you to absorb the Ray at your own pace, without stress.
    • If you are ready to begin your Tibetan Reiki Journey, I am ready to schedule your personal training.