Tag Archive for: angelic communication


Decoding Angel Messages in Pop Music

When my Angels want me to pay attention to an important life lesson, they sing songs in my head. (Yes, this is what life's like as a clairaudient psychic!) If my Angels are advising me to focus on positive outcomes, they serenade me with a…

Angels: How to Work with Your Personal Guardian

How do Angels show up in your life? If you're not sure, invite them in. Ask for a sign to show you they're nearby. Angels aren't just protectors for emergencies; they want to participate in your good times, too. They want to shower you with…
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Can Reiki Heal a Computer?

During a Reiki class, one of my students asked me -- half seriously -- if Universal Life Force Energy can heal a malfunctioning computer. Oh, ye of little faith. Here's the true story of how I "healed" my computer. I consider myself computer-challenged,…