Law of Attraction: Become a Success Magnet in 7 Easy Steps
There’s an old adage that applies to the Universal Law of Attraction: “Creating a castle is as easy as creating a button.”
I’ll be honest. I love that idea. With a little focused concentration, POOF, all my dreams could come true? Wow! Sign me up! (LOL!)
Now that I’m a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, who has been consciously and deliberately practicing energy work for 20 years, I can confirm that, yes, manifesting is easy. In fact, you do it all the time.
But you don’t think the Law of Attraction works?
Fair enough. Let’s examine that belief.
Let’s say your goal is to manifest $1 million, by winning the lottery. Before falling asleep, you practice Creative Visualization, imagining yourself rich and prosperous. After work, you buy lottery tickets, hoping for the best…
Whoa. Pause for a moment. “Hoping for the best?” So you don’t really believe you can win $1 million?
We’ve just identified your first hurdle to winning the lottery.
Let’s dig a little deeper into your beliefs.
Do you:
- Favor practicality over luxury?
- Think that hard work makes you a good person?
- Feel contempt when you see someone flaunting wealth?
- Assume that rich people are unethical?
- Resent the idea of paying higher taxes?
- Fear that family will beg you for money?
- Worry that friends will call you a hypocrite?
- Distrust money managers to handle your financial decisions?
- Agree that love of money is the root of all evil?
If you answered, “yes,” to even one of the previous questions, then I have great news for you. The Universal Law of Attraction is definitely working in your life.
You see, the Universal Law of Attraction always responds to the energy that you project. This includes any subconscious thoughts and feelings that you may ignore or deny.
Therefore, if you secretly harbor negative beliefs about wealth — if you’d rather be a “noble pauper” than a “corrupt millionaire” — then guess what? You are telling the Universe NOT to send you $1 million.
This concept is extremely important to understand.
It will change your life.
So what’s the solution?
Clearly, if you want the Law of Attraction to send you wealth, you must take an inventory of your beliefs. You will have to reprogram your negative thoughts and feelings about money and success. This process can be done through a variety of methods, including affirmations, journaling, meditation, and prayer.
To monitor your progress, pay close attention to your mental, emotional, and physical reactions in the Present Moment. These will indicate how you’re sabotaging your attempts to create through the Law of Attraction.
Law of Attraction: 7 Steps to Success
While you reprogram your thinking, you’ll also want to continue your manifestation exercises.
Below are seven steps for creating success:
- Write out your goals.
- Make a plan for achieving them.
- Set a realistic and achievable deadline for each action step in your plan.
- Hang your goals where you can see them every day (examples: bathroom mirror, computer, refrigerator, car, etc.)
- Create a Treasure Map (pictorial collage) of your goals. This collage will stimulate your subconscious with colors and pictures. Treasure Maps are great tools for harnessing the Law of Attraction. Be sure to add a recent HAPPY photo of yourself in the center of your collage. That way, your subconscious will try to activate a “happy vibe” as you make and spend money.
- Practice Creative Visualization. (Not sure what “visualization” means? Check out this wonderful book by Shakti Gawain.) To maximize your success, vividly engage all five of your physical senses as you visualize. Picture the end result of your goals, as if you’re already achieved them. (Leave the “in-between” steps to the Universe.) Practice Creative Visualization two times daily: 1 full minute after you wake, and 1 full minute before you fall asleep.
- Take action on your goals every day without fail.
These seven steps are the secret to creating magic. They’ve worked countless times for me. By consciously and deliberately working with the Law of Attraction, I’ve manifested everything from all-expense paid vacations, to lost jewelry, to love relationships.
Remember: with the law of attraction, the sky’s the limit. Never limit yourself by what you think you can achieve!

Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic
Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your SpiritsAdrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator invited her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals invited her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner.