Holiday Stress Relief: Simple 5-Minute Dream Vacation
Holiday stress got you down? Can you spare 5 minutes? Because 5 minutes will change your life.
During the holidays, many of us have too many responsibilities (and bills) to sneak off for a weekend getaway, much less for a two-week vacation.…

Faith Healing: How We Beat Cancer, Reduced Crime
This holiday season, allow yourself to be inspired by these true stories of Faith Healing. Every miracle described in this post was experienced by ordinary Human Beings, whom I personally know and love.
Masterminding: Positive Group Intention!

Faith Healing: Inspirational Stories about Ordinary Friends
Faith healing is real. When life seems out of control, take comfort from these true stories about ordinary people -- my actual friends -- who proved that even the greatest health obstacles can be overcome.
Healing a Heart Ailment

Angel Guidance: A Simple but Profound Reminder
I am a firm believer in angel guidance. However, I used to think that angels could offer help only if I asked for it.
(Spoiler alert: I was wrong!)
I was blown away when an impromptu lunch developed into a completely unexpected Wake Up Call…

Decoding Angel Messages in Pop Music
When my Angels want me to pay attention to an important life lesson, they sing songs in my head. (Yes, this is what life's like as a clairaudient psychic!)
If my Angels are advising me to focus on positive outcomes, they serenade me with a…

Music Makes Miracles Happen for Head Injury
(Note from Adrienne: I’m writing this true story to inspire readers to believe that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. Never, EVER let the naysayers derail you from your goal. You have more Power inside you than you can possibly…

Angels Protected My Harp from a Careless Person and His Beer
When I purchased my healing harp, I was told that it had been blessed, and that angels protect it. "Cool story!" I thought, but I never really believed it.
Silly me.
One beautiful Sunday afternoon, I drove to the park with my harp. I…