Love Potion: Does it Really Work Magic?
Does a love potion really work magic?
More than 50,000 people search Google every month for the terms, Love Potion or Love Potion that Works. Clearly, you’re not alone!
Since I’m a Certified Law of Attraction (LOA) Coach, as well as a professional psychic, people seek me out, asking for guidance to attract their life partner.
For the purposes of this post, I am defining “magic” as your own personal energy, focused outwardly with a clear and sincere Intention.
I am defining “love potion” as one of many tools that can amplify your personal energy and help you attract your heart’s desire.
Claim Your Power!
The truth is, YOU are the tool. YOU are the magic. By projecting your Will Power into an external object, like a Love Potion, you can make subtle changes in the way that you attract people.
You can also wreak havoc in your life.
The difference between Success and Disaster hinges on the clarity of your energy (or “vibration.”) Your vibration can be defined as the combined power of your Intention, Emotion, Physical Vitality, and Spirit.
In all honesty, most people don’t vibrate purely enough to think, “I want love!” and then have their ideal mate show up by the end of the week.
External objects, like a crystal, talisman, wand, or Love Potion, can help you focus your Intention, but they won’t create the attraction energy for you. Tools are nothing more than an extension of your own Will Power.
Your Thoughts and Feelings are Magnets

If you use the power of your Will to cause someone pain, then that pain will return to you. “What you give, you shall receive.” That is a universal law of energy.
Energy doesn’t lie. The people showing up in your life are clear indicators of how your vibration has been working behind the scenes in “attraction mode.”
If you cast blame on others for your unhappiness, you’ll keep cycling through the same, negative energy that manifested those crappy relationships in the first place.
Like it or not, you reap what you sow—which is another Universal Law. It means that if you consciously and deliberately trick someone into a relationship, by directing the power of your Will into a Love Potion, then you will attract relationships full of desperation, anger, fear, and jealousy. Why? Because those are the underlying emotions that drive people to manipulate or trick others.
Now for the good news.
There are ways to use a Love Potion to attract Admiration, Kindness, Respect, and Love into your life.
Isn’t that what you ultimately want?
How to Use a Love Potion Safely
Most people, who are trying to attract a Life Mate with a Love Potion, are good, honest, decent people. They’ve been hurt in past relationships. They don’t realize that those past hurts are still stuck in their vibration. The energy of that pain is pushing away their relationships, and so is their subconscious mind, which is trying to protect them from more pain.
Since your subconscious is 95% of your brain, it has much more power than your Waking Mind. In other words, all the forgotten, hurtful memories in your subconscious are controlling your vibration.
To attract Love, you must raise your vibration (in other words, weaken the “hurt” vibe.) That means you have to make your subconscious work toward your Relationship Goal, rather than against it.
Let’s explore some simple ways to use a Love Potion to clear the lingering vibration of hurt that’s attracting the wrong people into your life.
Immerse Yourself in the Essence of Love

Mystics have long associated roses with love, because roses—regardless of their color—emit a high vibration.
If you want to attract a loving relationship, your Personal Energy must vibrate in harmony with the frequency of Love. Certain flowers—or their essential oils—can help.
If you plan to buy these oils, make sure they contain the pure oil of the living flower, rather than a chemical concoction. Remember: you’re looking for vibrational purity. The oil’s scent is irrelevant.
Next, you must “attune” to the oil so it becomes your own, personal Love Potion for self-healing. This process is simple. I’ve described it in the section, below, titled Attract Love through the Power of Your Dreams.
In the meantime, when you’re choosing flowers, select ones with high, loving vibrations. Examples include lilac, jasmine, lavender, gardenias, rose, aster, violet, and pink geranium. Sprinkle their oils onto sachets; spray them around your TV or hearth; include them in your soap- and candle-making; wash your towels and linens with them; mix a few drops into your bathwater…
In short, there are oodles of ways to raise your vibration with essential oils.
(Note: never apply an essential oil directly to your skin. To avoid irritation, the flower’s oil should be mixed with a “carrier oil.”)
Attract Love through the Power of Your Dreams

Dreamtime is a powerful time for self-healing.
Another simple way to raise your vibration, and thus, to make yourself more magnetic to Love, is dreamwork.
Since your subconscious is directly tied to your dream state, you can make your subconscious work toward your goals while you sleep. To do this effectively, you must clear your thoughts and feelings of negativity so you can fall asleep in a peaceful, loving state.
For instance, as you’re preparing for bed, focus on the good things that happened during your day. In fact, I recommend that you write these positive experiences into a Gratitude Journal or “Wins” Journal.
Next, visualize the ideal, most loving, most wonderful relationship that you can imagine. As you sleep, your subconscious will then get busy, attracting your ideal relationship!
Another fun way to raise your vibration while you’re sleeping is to create an herbal “dream pillow” or sachet. Of course, you will be focusing your Intention and Loving Feelings into your dream pillow. That way, as you sleep, the herbs will help you clear the subconscious pain that’s blocking your attempts to attract your Life Partner.
To get started, you can purchase premade sachet bags from a craft store and stuff them with the herbal ingredients, below. Alternatively, you can create tiny pillowcases/sachets from scraps of fabric and stuff them. Be sure to have ribbons handy, so you can tie off the sachets when you’re ready.
You will also need to write—in your own hand—a prayer, affirmation, or rhyme that states your clear, loving intention to attract your ideal relationship. (I’ve included a sample prayer, below, for your Love Potion.)
Ingredients for Your Love Potion:
- 4 tablespoons of dried lavender (Purpose: love, peaceful sleep, energy clearing & shielding)
- 20 whole cloves (Purpose: more love, more energy clearing & shielding)
- 4 tablespoons, dried rosemary (Purpose: Yep, more love; more energy clearing & shielding!)
- 1/2 teaspoon dried orange peel (Purpose: romantic love. Also beneficial for longevity and prosperity—and who doesn’t want those?!)
- Sunflower seeds, put 1 in each sachet (Purpose: Wisdom, to redirect your subconscious toward positive outcomes.)
How to Mix Your Ingredients:
Mix all ingredients (except the sunflower seeds) in a small bowl. You’ll add 1 sunflower to each sachet/dream pillow before sealing it; therefore, put the sunflowers in a separate bowl.
Now for the magic part:
In “magic” (aka, manifestation work) vibration is everything. You’re going to “attune” with the herbs that you’ve selected.
- Step 1: Clear your mind so you can focus on your intention—and only your intention.
- Step 2: Fill yourself with soft, sweet, loving feelings. Do not proceed to the next step until you are sure that you are genuinely “feeling” the Love.
- Step 3: Hold your hands over each bowl and recite your affirmation, prayer, or intention for attracting your Ideal Partner. Repeat the words until your palms grow warm.
Note: Traditionally, “magic spells” are short, simple rhymes. I wrote a sample, below, which you can recite over your Love Potion. Keep in mind, however, that your own words will be much more powerful than any intention that I could write for you.
BTW: Whether the “spell” for your Love Potion does, or does not, rhyme is irrelevant. Only your sincere, loving intention matters.
The following rhyme focuses on the theme, Guide My Soulmate to Me:
Angels of Love, I call your power,
Infuse my herbs this very hour.
Send my lifelong Mate and Love,
One ordained by God Above!
Keep repeating your prayer, rhyme or affirmation as you fill your pillow or sachets. (Tie the sachets with ribbons.)
This recipe will make 1 small pillow, or 7 to 10 small sachets.

Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic
Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your SpiritsAdrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator invited her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals invited her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner.