1st Day of Autumn: Message from Nature Spirits
The 1st day of Autumn is right around the corner. But nature doesn't follow our "Human" calendar. Did you notice the energy shift in your backyard when the trees really fell asleep?
Keep reading! You may be surprised by this Channeled Message,…

Night Music: A Crafty Croaker Grants My Wish
Author's Note: Every "adventure" chronicled on this blog is a true experience from my life. Communicating with animals is a pleasure and an honor for me. I humbly realize that I have a great deal to learn about "the Nature of things," so I am…

Jealous Cat Tackles Wolf: A True Tale from My Writing Life
Ever see the door plaque, “My cat lets me live here”?
I share my writing space with Krazy Kat. More accurately, my Tuxedo "mutt" deigns to let me meet my writing deadlines, while she listens to Mozart and dozes in the sunshine.