To practice thankfulness has become popular during the holidays. But why limit Gratitude to a single date in November, when researchers have proven that Gratitude changes lives?
According to scientists, if you consciously and deliberately…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-11-26 10:02:352024-11-26 15:23:58Practice Thankfulness to Change Your Life, Scientists Say
Does a love potion really work magic?
More than 50,000 people search Google every month for the terms, Love Potion or Love Potion that Works. Clearly, you're not alone!
Since I'm a Certified Law of Attraction (LOA) Coach, as well as a professional…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-11-05 09:35:492024-10-18 10:05:22Love Potion: Does it Really Work Magic?
Tomorrow is THE day to practice magic and explore Halloween Traditions!
For instance, did you know that the "Wiz" in wizard has its origins in the adjective, Wise?
In honor of all you remarkably WISE witches and wizards, it is my pleasure…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-10-30 09:36:532024-10-30 10:08:04Halloween Traditions: How the Witch Got Her Pointy Hat
As Spooky Season creeps closer, you may notice that certain furred and feathered animals are starting to appear in your front yard, under your porch, or even in your text messages! That's why I created this Spirit Animal Quiz to help you get…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-10-15 08:35:262024-11-03 23:09:19Spirit Animal Quiz: What’s Your Power Animal for Halloween?
After a mating pair enchanted me in my neighborhood, I was inspired to write this post on the Owl Totem Meaning.
My feathered neighbors turned out to be Eastern Screech Owls. Of course, I wasn’t expecting to meet them after sunrise!
Almost…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-10-01 08:35:052024-10-01 08:21:54Owl Totem Meaning: Spirit Animal of Magic & Mystery
There's an old adage that applies to the Universal Law of Attraction: "Creating a castle is as easy as creating a button."
I'll be honest. I love that idea. With a little focused concentration, POOF, all my dreams could come true? Wow! Sign…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-09-26 13:43:062024-11-22 11:13:15Law of Attraction: Become a Success Magnet in 7 Easy Steps
The 1st day of Autumn is right around the corner. But nature doesn't follow our "Human" calendar. Did you notice the energy shift in your backyard when the trees really fell asleep?
Keep reading! You may be surprised by this Channeled Message,…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-09-19 11:04:412024-10-04 14:01:281st Day of Autumn: Message from Nature Spirits
Looking for the perfect Bachelorette Party Idea in Metro Austin or the Texas Hill Country?
Everyone has a different vision of the "perfect" bridal event. But if your plan is to emphasize friendship, love, and sisterhood at your bachelorette,…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-03-25 05:59:192024-10-04 14:56:37Bachelorette Party Idea: Classy Psychic Reader for Fun & Good Fortunes
Thanks to your Animal Totem, divine messages can come in dreams and meditations. In fact, a panda bear visited my sleep 2 times this week, inspiring me to write this post about spirit animal guides.
Dreams and meditation aren’t the only venues…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-02-15 09:09:232024-10-01 09:42:01Animal Totem: How to Identify your Spirit Guide and Protector
What's the secret to finding love?
Consider the metaphysical perspective:
The ever-present, wholly impartial, Universal Law of Attraction puts all of Creation at your command.
You could call forth your Forever Love right now. In fact, your…, The Austin Party Psychic, The Austin Party Psychic2024-01-12 18:13:112024-11-14 12:39:20Finding Love in 5 Simple Steps: The Universal Law of Attraction
Practice Thankfulness to Change Your Life, Scientists Say
Love Potion: Does it Really Work Magic?
Halloween Traditions: How the Witch Got Her Pointy Hat
Spirit Animal Quiz: What’s Your Power Animal for Halloween?
Owl Totem Meaning: Spirit Animal of Magic & Mystery
Law of Attraction: Become a Success Magnet in 7 Easy Steps
1st Day of Autumn: Message from Nature Spirits
Bachelorette Party Idea: Classy Psychic Reader for Fun & Good Fortunes
Animal Totem: How to Identify your Spirit Guide and Protector
Finding Love in 5 Simple Steps: The Universal Law of Attraction