Practice Thankfulness to Change Your Life, Scientists Say
To practice thankfulness has become popular during the holidays. But why limit Gratitude to a single date in November, when researchers have proven that Gratitude changes lives?
According to scientists, if you consciously and deliberately focus on Gratitude (instead of brooding about the past, or worrying about the future,) you will be positively impacted on the Quantum level.
Consider me walking proof of this research. Since I started to practice thankfulness on a daily basis, I’ve been amazed (and deeply humbled) by the “little miracles” that continue to show up in my life!
Success Tip: Practice Thankfulness with Sincerity
Just to be clear: when I refer to Gratitude, I’m not talking about the knee-jerk, “Thank you!” that you’ve been conditioned to speak when someone performs a Random Act of Kindness (like opening the door, while you’re juggling groceries.)
Nor am I referring to the things that you “think” you should be grateful for, when secretly, you aren’t. (Example: The birthday gift from Aunt Betty that makes you want to groan with embarrassment.)
Instead, I’m talking about quantum physics. DNA research. The Universal Energy that some cutting-edge scientists have dubbed, “The Mind of God.”
A few years ago, I attended a lecture by best-selling author and international speaker, Greg Braden. He was touring with his book, The God Code. Greg’s background includes aerospace engineering, computer design, and technical operations. At one point, he worked for NASA.
Greg is brilliant. He’s highly respected in his field. He also happens to be a leading authority on proving that certain elements of so-called “mysticism” are founded in scientific fact.
Finally Revealed: The Secret to the Universe!
During Greg’s lecture, I sat spellbound, listening to the research he revealed. He was describing how the scientific community has proven that there is an all-inclusive, all-penetrating energy in the universe. This energy links every single Human, tree, animal, planet, star, etc. Scientists have dubbed this energy, “The Mind of God.”
The Mind of God, which is everywhere, impacts everything it touches. That means you. That means me.
More mind-boggling still, Human emotions have a measurable impact on The Mind of God. In other words, what I feel in Austin, Texas, has a subtle impact on a stranger in China. Or on phytoplankton floating in the ocean.
Greg described an experiment that was intended to determine how Human emotion impacts The Mind of God — and more importantly, which of the myriad Human emotions is most impactful.
In this experiment, Human test subjects were exposed to various stimuli that were designed to elicit raw emotions. The test subjects experienced rage, lust, love, gratitude, happiness, and a number of other feelings, all of which got measured and recorded.
The Shocking Truth
I was stunned when I learned which emotion had the greatest impact on The Mind of God. It wasn’t anger or fear, thank heavens! Incredibly, it wasn’t even love.
The Human emotion that had the GREATEST impact on The Mind of God was pure and simple Gratitude.
Personally, I think the emotion of Love took a backseat to Gratitude, because “Love” feelings are often clouded by other emotions, like jealousy, neediness, and sexual desire. Gratitude tends to be far less complicated in the Human psyche.
For instance, when I began looking for things to appreciate every day (like rainbows in my drinking water; the purring of my cat; the “hero” who invented Rocky Road Ice Cream) amazing things happened. Strangers appeared magically to offer help when I needed it. Gifts showed up unexpectedly on my doorstep. Wonderful opportunities seemed to occur in every area of my life.
Needless to say, my outlook changed. Not only did I become happier, I reduced my stress and improved my health.
So what’s the take away?
Energy never lies. You might be able to fool Aunt Betty, but you will never fool The Mind of God.
If you want Gratitude to work at the quantum level — in other words, if you want to develop an overall “vibe” of Gratitude, to sustain your happiness or attract your heart’s desire — then you must find a way to “feel” genuine appreciation. You must practice thankfulness with as much sincerity as you possibly can, and you must make this choice a daily practice.
(To discover other ways to make the Universal Law of Attraction work in your favor, click here.)
Why Gratitude Works: The Physics Perspective
In an interview that was posted on the (now defunct) Alaska Wellness website, Greg was quoted as saying:
“In the early 1990s, quantum physicists began to confirm that we are permeated by a field of energy that is everywhere, a part of all that we see, even in-between the places where we think there is nothing. The second characteristic is that it appears to have been here always, from the time the scientists call the Big Bang.
“Thirdly, and this is where it gets very interesting, this field of energy appears to have intelligence. It is an intelligent field of energy that links all of creation, including all people of this world. And it is a field of energy that responds to coherent human emotions — not scattered, random emotions, but coherent, heart-based human emotions.
“What the studies show is that when a relatively few number of people find a way to express feeling in a coherently, heart-based way — not a thought, not an angry protest, but a consciousness expressed through their heart center — this field of energy responds.
“It is through our hearts that we speak the nonverbal language that connects us to this field. And a relatively few number of people may evoke a consciousness that is mirrored in the world around them, through this field of energy.”
(Source: Living in the Mind of God: An Interview with Greg Braden)
Practice Thankfulness: Change the World, Change Your Life
So my friends, while you’re getting ready for your Thanksgiving Feasts, make a pledge to yourself, your family, and the world.
Consciously and deliberately practice sincere, heart-based feelings of appreciation. If you choose to practice thankfulness every day, you will change your life. Even more inspiring, your Gratitude Attitude will contribute to the Greater Good of every living organism on this planet!
Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. I so appreciate our connection across the miles.
In Love and Light,

Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic
Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your SpiritsAdrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator invited her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals invited her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner.