Owl Totem Meaning: Spirit Animal of Magic & Mystery

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After a mating pair enchanted me in my neighborhood, I was inspired to write this post on the Owl Totem Meaning.

My feathered neighbors turned out to be Eastern Screech Owls. Of course, I wasn’t expecting to meet them after sunrise!

Almost Gave Me a Heart Attack!

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The Eastern Screech Owl is a small species — between 6 and 10 inches tall.

One day, while walking to my mailbox, I spied what appeared to be 2 squat, chunky pieces of wood, sitting on the sidewalk.

Suddenly the “wood” pieces turned their heads and blinked enormous yellow eyes at me!

Honestly, I don’t know who was more surprised: them or me. By the time I realized that live owls were congregating on the sidewalk, the pair took wing and disappeared into the woods. (Bummer!)

Naturally, I ran to my computer to search Google for the Owl Totem Meaning. I learned that in Texas, my little friends are nicknamed, “Feathered Wildcats.” (So cute!) Ironically, Eastern Screechers don’t really screech. Their call is more like a soft, trilling whinny.

Habitat & Prey Influence Your Owl Totem Meaning

Ancient cultures dubbed Owl the “Flying Cat,” so I’m not surprised that Texans, who love a folksy Tall Tale, invented a similar colloquialism for them.

While you’re studying your Owl Totem Meaning, you’ll enjoy a richer, more fulfilling interpretation if you learn about the lifestyles of these raptors, as well as their habitat and prey. (Prey animals symbolize your Owl’s vulnerabilities, and therefore, your own.)

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Meet the smallest raptor in the world: the Elf Owl! She has an unusual relationship with the threadsnake. While other owls eat snakes, Mother Elf brings this reptile back to her nest to eat parasites that might harm her owlets. Call on the Elf Owl if you need to turn an enemy into an ally; negotiate a win-win agreement; or rid your house of bugs! LOL! (Photo courtesy of the University of Arizona)

Did you know that 100 species of Owl exist in the wild? Most people have heard of the Great Horned Owl and the Snowy Owl (thanks to Hedvig, of Harry Potter fame.)

But there’s also the Elf Owl, which lives in the southern United States and Mexico. The smallest raptor in the world, she rarely grows longer than 5.5 inches. In other words, she’s no bigger than a juice box!

By the way:

  • The largest owl in the world is Blakiston’s Fish Owl, which lives in China and Japan. Its wingspan has been measured at 6.5 feet. (That’s longer than the average Human male!)
  • The Rarest Owl in the World is the Pernambuco Pygmy-Owl. This tiny raptor can only be found in a small area of Brazil.

Hawk Symbolism Can Influence Your Owl Totem Meaning

In an effort to better understand the Owl Totem Meaning, some Owl People will study – and adopt – a Hawk Spirit Animal. Native Americans believe that Hawk Medicine balances Owl Medicine. In other words, Hawks are most active by day; Owls are most active by night. This hunting pattern allows these powerful predators to share the same territory.

However, not all Owls will tolerate Hawks — probably because Hawks aren’t opposed to feasting on owlets. If your Owl Species wages territorial wars with Hawks, this symbolism should be noted.

The following table reflects common Owl/Hawk Correspondences, based on their shared habitat.

Great Horned Owl Red-Tailed Hawk
Barred Owl Red-Shouldered Hawk
Screech Owl Kestrel
Short-Eared Owl Harrier Hawk
Snowy Owl White Phase Gyrfalcon

Note: This table was excerpted from Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews (page 177.)

Owl Totems and their Symbolism

Owl People are blessed with wisdom and the courage to face “The Darkness Within.” In fact, no one navigates darkness better than Owl!

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This (endangered) Burrowing Owl is perfectly capable of digging its own home. But it prefers to claim the abandoned dens of prairie dogs, marmots, and even badgers. Call on the Burrowing Owl when you need to “ground” your soaring spirit…or confront your Shadow Self.

She is the Empress of the Night, her sun-bright eyes exposing the secrets that shadows try to hide. Her wingbeats are eerily silent, even when her feathers are riffled by wind. This fact might explain why our ancestors sometimes claimed the Owl Totem Meaning was stealth, deception, and fatal surprises.

Ironically, Owl is also associated with Good Luck. She is the Totem Animal of at least 9 Moon Goddesses. This mythology connects Owl to femininity, magic, fertility, seduction, wisdom, mystery, the subconscious, psychic development, astral projection, and the Occult. On Google, she remains the #1, most “searched” Totem Animal in the world!

If you’re an “Owl Person,” your strong intuition helps you recognize other people’s secret agendas. Folks may be uncomfortable in your presence, because you can “read” them. You know when they’re vulnerable; you sense when they’re lying. With this talent, you are rarely deceived by excuses or bluster. Needless to say, Owl People often possess psychic talent (even if they choose not to develop it.)

Which Owl Calls to Your Heart?

All raptors possess awe-inspiring attributes, but you may find yourself relating to one particular Owl Species on your Spiritual Journey.

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Great Horned Owl

This raptor is the fiercest of all Owls. Swift and powerful, it can snap the neck of a woodchuck. This raptor is the most successful Owl Species in an ever-shrinking habitat. It won’t hesitate to attack its territorial rival, the Red-Tailed Hawk. Call upon the Great Horned Owl when you want to face challenges without fear.

Barred Owl

Unlike its larger Horned cousin, the Barred Owl will amicably share its territory with Hawks. The Barred Owl has a laid-back nature, but it’s extremely vocal. When threatened, it will put on a fierce show with lots of blustery hooting. Compared to the Great Horned Owl, however, this little fellow is relatively harmless. Call upon the Barred Owl when you want to find your voice or charm your listeners.


The Ghost Owl (aka, the Barn Owl) is ten times more effective as a mouser than a cat!

Ghost Owl (aka, Barn Owl)

With its bat-like sonar or “echo-location,” this Owl can help you hear your Inner Voice (and maybe the voice of Spirit!) A Master Hunter, this Owl is known for being inventive, opportunistic, and highly adaptable. Its heart-shaped face symbolizes the link between heart and mind. Call upon the Ghost Owl when you want to free yourself from limiting habits or ideas.

Screech Owl

This raptor’s courage and ferocity have been compared to the Great Horned Owl’s. Only 6 to 10 inches tall, the Screech Owl has been likened to a cunning “Air Wolf.” Groups of them will hunt together and flush prey. Call upon the Screech Owl when you must forge alliances, work with a team, or reclaim your individuality.

Short-Eared Owl

This Owl hunts by night and day. It’s flame-like markings link it to Fire Power, yet few birds can compete with its Air Power: aerial agility. Small and feisty, the Short-Eared Owl can — and will — take down a Great Blue Heron. The Short-Eared Owl will embark on impromptu migrations, showing up “overnight” when the mouse population explodes. This fearless little powerhouse can teach you how to be in the right place, at the right time.

Snowy Owl

Equally comfortable in sunlight and darkness, Snowy Owls watch and wait, choosing the perfect moment to strike. (This trait links them to Patience.) Instinctively, they know when to migrate to avoid famine. (This trait links them to Prophecy.) Snowy Owls can sprint, swim, and play dead (traits that link them to Ingenuity.) To walk, they tuck their talons into their toepads (symbolizing the gentle side of Strength.) Call upon Snowy Owl when you want to conserve energy, master timing, divine the future, and outsmart a rival.

For Fun and Love of Owls

If you’re a big fan of a certain nocturnal Raptor, you’ll want to check out the following resources to help you study your Owl Totem Meaning:

  • British Animal Rehabilitator, Robert Fuller, filmed the truly touching story of Luna and Bomber, a mated pair of Tawny Owls. He follows the couple from owlets, to their first “failed” clutch of eggs, to their triumphant adoption of 6 orphaned chicks. View the story of Luna and Bomber on YouTube.
  • If you enjoy divination and psychic readings, you absolutely must check out Tarot of the Owls! This charming deck by Pamela Chen and Elisabeth Alba features Owls on every card. (LOL! Who needs Cups, Wands, and Coins, when you can have the wisdom of Owls?) The Tarot of the Owls deck can be found on Amazon.
  • According to the Native Americans, you may have as many as 9 Animal Totems! To discover how to work with your personal Power Animals, I offer private Totem readings. Click here to learn more.


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Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic

Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your Spirits

Adrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator hired her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals asked her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner. She is now accepting new clients for private psychic readings. To learn more, click the link in the navigation bar.