Holiday Stress Relief: Simple 5-Minute Dream Vacation
Holiday stress got you down? Can you spare 5 minutes? Because 5 minutes will change your life.
During the holidays, many of us have too many responsibilities (and bills) to sneak off for a weekend getaway, much less for a two-week vacation.
So here’s a better plan: The 5-Minute Dream Vacation. And it won’t cost you a dime.
Reclaim Your Secret Getaway
First, you need to find a place where you won’t be disturbed for 5 minutes.
“Right,” you’re probably thinking, “when do I get 5 minutes to myself during the holidays?”
Simple. In the bathroom.
While you’re seated on the throne, close your eyes and imagine yourself releasing all your stress. All your worry. See it flowing out of you and into the plumbing. Take deep breaths. Relax your neck and shoulders.
Next, spread your arms. Imagine that every good thing, every good feeling, is flowing down from the Center of the Universe into your fingertips. Hug yourself. Soak in all that radiant goodness. You deserve it!
How to Relieve Holiday Stress
Now you’re ready for your dream vacation. Allow your mind to go on a fantasy getaway. It could be snowboarding in the Alps; sunbathing in the Caribbean; waving to whales from your Alaskan cruise ship. Wherever you go, make this journey as vivid and real as you possibly can. Imagine what you would smell and hear. See the shapes and colors. Put yourself at the center of this scene, smiling and laughing, happy and relaxed.
When you open your eyes, you’ll feel like a new person. Your mind will be clear, and your body will be free of tension. Best of all, you’ll be empowered to take on your day!
In the spirit of giving, I’ve created a 2 minute movie with beautiful music and positive affirmations. It will help you relieve holiday stress and fall into a relaxing sleep. Best of all, you can use it any time of the year.
Be sure to save the video link and view it each night before you retire. Click here for the link.
Peace and blessings to you during the Holiday Season — and always.

Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic
Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your SpiritsAdrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator invited her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals invited her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner.