Finding Love in 5 Simple Steps: The Universal Law of Attraction
What’s the secret to finding love?
Consider the metaphysical perspective:
The ever-present, wholly impartial, Universal Law of Attraction puts all of Creation at your command.
You could call forth your Forever Love right now. In fact, your Beloved could arrive within days!
So what’s taking so long?
Let’s find out.
Try this simple, 30-second visualization.
Step One:
Close your eyes. Imagine your Life Mate showing up TOMORROW.
Make this vision as real as you can. Where will you meet? How will you greet? Visualize this special moment in full color. Supply the scents and sounds.
Step Two:
Now tune into your body. Be completely honest with yourself. What physical sensations are you experiencing?
- Constricting throat?
- Knotted stomach?
- Tight chest?
- Stinging eyes?
- Tensing muscles?
- Did you squirm, grimace, sigh, or groan?
Your Barometer for Finding Love
If you experienced any of the physical sensations that I described above, you are in a state of RESISTANCE.
Don’t blame your body. Your body is merely the barometer. It showed you proof of how you ward off love. In fact, it demonstrated where you’ve erected energetic barriers against a new relationship.
No, it’s your mind that’s shielding you from the truth.
For example:
When you read the above exercise, what was your initial thought?
- It was silly?
- It wouldn’t work?
- You’re not like other people, so you don’t need to do the visualization?
Yep. That’s your mind again, creating RESISTANCE.
On some level, your body knows the truth. Your magnificent, INNOCENT body would never lie to you. If you were wholly and completely ready to receive your Beloved, this person would be in your life right now. End of Discussion.
Your Mind vs Your Heart
Why would your mind prevent your Heart’s Desire?
Well, at some point, you probably experienced hurt or betrayal. In an attempt to protect you, your subconscious mind triggered “Defense Mode” in your energy field.
Case in point:
If you’re attracting the wrong kind of dates — or no dates at all — then your energy field is throwing off mixed signals. Your conscious mind may scream, “I want love!” However, your conscious mind only makes up 10% of the equation.
Also contributing to your Attraction Power are your:
- Subconscious Mind
- Emotions
- Physical Energy (Body)
- Soul / Spirit
If all these other energies are focused primarily on defending you from PAIN, then guess what?
You remain locked in a fortress of solitude.
In other words, your overall “vibration” isn’t clear enough to manifest the relationship that you think you want.
Energy Never Lies
For many years, I’ve been a professional psychic. The #1 question I’m asked is, “Tell me about my love life. Am I going to find my Soul Mate? Will I ever get married (again)?”
The Law of Attraction states that we will attract the exact energies we send into the Universe — without exception. In fact, the Universe is entirely neutral in this situation. It obeys your energetic command.
(Isn’t it refreshing to have so much power?)
For instance, have you noticed that your dating partners are…
- Aloof and withdrawn?
- Childlike and needy?
- Bitter and angry?
Ouch. The unpleasant truth is, these individuals are mirroring your attraction energy. Your “Love Signal” has been muddied by unresolved Anger, Grief, Fear, Resentment, Impatience, etc.
So how do you fix this exasperating problem?
5 Steps to Finding Love:
The Universal Law of Attraction will never fail you. NEVER. If you make yourself “magnetic” to what you want, the Universal Law must attract that thing into your life.
If finding love is your goal, then you must first break through your energy barriers.
Here’s how to achieve that happy result:
Step #1:
Become aware of your energetic blocks to love. (Hence, our 30-second visualization.)
Step #2:
Accept that you have power over your vibration — even the subconscious stuff.
Step #3:
Give up limiting beliefs (example: you’re a victim.) Accept responsibility for everything that you’ve attracted into your life. That would include lousy bosses, rude motorists, spiteful tax auditors, ungrateful children, etc. (Wait. Is that your mind, resisting again?)
Step #4:
Stop worrying about the future. Stop brooding about the past. Train your brain to focus on the NOW and what you want. Most people don’t realize that thoughts create emotion. If you change what you think, your feelings will change. (Miraculous! The secret to the universe! Your new-improved feelings make you energetically approachable. People will be more kind, helpful, and loving toward you.)
Step #5:
Since you want to attract Love, give love! Adopt a Gratitude Attitude. Fill your mind with kindness and your body with caring. Be gentle with every plant, animal, and insect on your path. Show kindness to strangers. Offer understanding to your family and friends. Delight in life. Thrill to new adventure. Become a living, breathing Role Model of compassion and forgiveness.
If you do these things, Love will find you.
I promise, Love WANTS to find you.

Adrienne, The Austin Party Psychic
Fun & Good Fortunes to Uplift Your SpiritsAdrienne brings light and joy to Texans as a psychic reader, an energy healer, a bestselling author, and a certified Life Coach. The State Comptroller invited her to speak at Texas's inaugural Idea Fair; a State Senator invited her to make Tarot predictions at his holiday party; and local hospitals invited her to demonstrate the benefits of her "healing harp" in their neuro ICUs. Adrienne's greatest joy is to help her clients discover their intuitive gifts. She channels spiritual guidance from the Angelic Realm and Master Spirit Guides. Thanks to her work on a national psychic hotline, she has attracted clientele from coast to coast. Closer to home, Adrienne styles herself as "The Austin Party Psychic," introducing thousands of (skeptical) Texans to metaphysical principles in a playful, upbeat manner.