Practice Thankfulness to Change Your Life, Scientists Say
To practice thankfulness has become popular during the holidays. But why limit Gratitude to a single date in November, when researchers have proven that Gratitude changes lives?
According to scientists, if you consciously and deliberately…

Love Potion: Does it Really Work Magic?
Does a love potion really work magic?
More than 50,000 people search Google every month for the terms, Love Potion or Love Potion that Works. Clearly, you're not alone!
Since I'm a Certified Law of Attraction (LOA) Coach, as well as a professional…

Law of Attraction: Become a Success Magnet in 7 Easy Steps
There's an old adage that applies to the Universal Law of Attraction: "Creating a castle is as easy as creating a button."
I'll be honest. I love that idea. With a little focused concentration, POOF, all my dreams could come true? Wow! Sign…

Think Positive Thoughts: Attract Money & Your Dream Job!
Someone much wiser than I once said, “Think positive thoughts when you face disappointment. The Universe doesn’t always give you what you want; but it will provide what you need.”
Surprise! You're Toast!
During Covid, I landed what I…

How to Be Happy: Simple Solution Works, Says Harvard
Want to succeed? Increase your confidence? Know how to be happy?
If you answered a resounding, “YES!,” then I have the world’s simplest solution for you — a solution that’s backed by a Scientific Study, conducted by Harvard.