Psychic Reader | Accurate Tarot Card Predictions

Austin Party Psychic: Private Readings in Texas & USA

Now Accepting New Clients for Private Appointments

(Use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.)

“Usually, I’m not comfortable with psychic readings, but I was having an emergency. I looked online for a psychic because I wanted anonymity. Adrienne’s response was kind, compassionate, and respectful. I was immensely relieved by her insights — which came true!”

“Adrienne taught me how to harness the power of sound to relieve my back pain. When I asked for a psychic reading, she helped me understand the past-life reason for my migraines. Now I’m on the path to healing, thanks to Adrienne.”

“Before I sat down with Adrienne, I was secretly planning to divorce my husband. But Adrienne’s ability to access Higher Wisdom showed me there was hope. I left her psychic reading resolved to find a way to make my marriage work.”

“I didn’t know Adrienne before I found her website on Google. She answered my question with lots of depth. She put many things into perspective for me. She is truly connected with angels.”

“I just wanted to write and say thank you for the psychic reading you gave me. I’ve been working with the book, Divine Guidance, and it was clear intuitively, and from what I’ve read, that your reading was of the highest order. Glad it gave you the shivers too!”

“(Adrienne) was able to give me comfort on situations that I hadn’t even asked about.”

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When you need a psychic reader you can trust…

I’m a firm believer that you are drawn to the Psychic Reader, who truly resonates with your Highest Good.

Maybe intuition led you to an inspiration on my blog. Maybe curiosity nudged you to click a link to this page.

The point is, you probably had no intention of stopping by for a visit…

And yet, here you are.

If you seek clarity to live your Best Life…

There are thousands — maybe millions — of people, who claim to be psychic readers on their websites. They talk about Ascended Masters, Intergalactic Councils, and Star Seeds. This is all great stuff! (These Illumined Beings really exist, by the way.)

But since YOU are on my website TODAY, you are probably searching for practical guidance — insights that can help you make sense of the Human challenges that you’re currently facing.

Don’t get me wrong: I can channel Ascended Masters, Archangels, and tremendous Beings of Love and Light. In fact, I spent the first half of my psychic career doing those things.

Then one day, I realized that my health was a mess. My bills were piling up. My relationships were falling apart. It occurred to me that maybe — JUST MAYBE — my purpose was to focus on this lifetime.

When you want psychic solutions for nagging problems…

I really **do** have full-color memories of Atlantis and the crystal temples where I served as a healer. Such ancient soul-memories can be lovely and comforting. However, past lives can be also be distracting.

The question to ask your Psychic Reader is, “How is the past (or a past life) contributing to my current circumstances? What can I do to stop the struggle and relieve the pain?”

If you’re ready to take control of THIS life, then you’ve come to the right Psychic Reader. I help people remember how incredibly wise and powerful they can be — RIGHT NOW.

My goal is to guide you to the path that lets you thrive as a happy, 21st Century Human. For this reason, I became certified as a Life Coach, a Law of Attraction Coach, a Facilitator of Attitudinal Healing, and a Master of 2 different Reiki traditions.

When you wonder if you have psychic abilities…

Have you ever considered why you’re drawn to psychic readers?

Many of the people who seek my guidance are highly intuitive. For instance, they sense when the phone’s about to ring, or when their child is in pain.

When clients ask for my help to develop their own psychic abilities, I consider it a great honor. You have every right to be empowered — and ultimately, to connect with your own Spirit Guides!

So if you’ve ever wanted to…

    • Develop the skills to access Divine Guidance
    • Stimulate your body’s innate Healing Power
    • Develop your ability to manifest through the Law of Attraction
    • Improve your relationship with your pet
    • Use crystals to amplify your intentions or protect your personal space

I can help! Let’s honor and explore the Great Gift that You Are!

For rate information, complete the form below. 

Trending Topics:

Personal Forecast:

Potential Opportunities & Challenges

Great for a Birthday, the New Year, or any Life-Changing Event

The Decision Path:

Angelic Guidance for Making Tough Choices

Breaking Past Life Patterns:

Chronic Pain, Relationship Issues, Money Blocks, etc. 

Yes! Please send me your rates for private appointments!

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